Makanan Sunnah

Makanan Sunnah

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Makluman kepada semua pengguna, stokis dan wakil pengedar

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Kami mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih diatas sambutan dan sokongan yang begitu memberangsangkan terhadap semua produk edaran JS Hikmah Niaga. Kami merasa amat terharu dengan sambutan luar jangkaan semenjak produk dilancarkan pada 8 Nov 2014.

Walaubagaimanapun, dalam kerancakan mempromosi dan memasarkan produk, kami telah dihimpit oleh tempias ketidakstabilan ekonomi dan pasaran matawang dunia. Keadaan ini menyaksikan kadar tukaran matawang Ringgit yang semakin menyusut berbanding Dollar Amerika. Untuk pengetahuan, tukaran matawang Ringgit kini adalah sekitar 1USD = RM3.60 berbanding 1USD = RM3.10 pada pertengahan tahun. Fenomena ini telah menyebabkan berlaku peningkatan harga ke atas semua barangan yang diimport dari luar negara.

Walaupun kami cuba untuk mengekalkan harga sedia ada, kami tidak berupaya untuk menampung peningkatan berterusan kos bahan mentah dan pengangkutan laut. Namun, kami masih lagi sedang dan cuba berbincang dengan pihak pengimport untuk meminimumkan kenaikan harga keseluruhan.

Pada masa yang sama, kami juga sedang menilai kesan kenaikan kos ke atas semua produk edaran JS Hikmah Niaga. Buat masa ini, kami masih mengekalkan harga lama bagi semua stok produk yang ada di gudang simpanan kami. Pihak kami akan memuktamadkan harga baru & mengumumkannya sebelum menjelang tahun baru 2015 dan menjangkakan ia akan berkuatkuasa sehingga semua stok lama kami habis selewat-lewatnya pertengahan Januari nanti.

Nota Tambahan :
Kepada semua warga pengguna, stokis dan wakil pengedar yang berada di kawasan banjir, kami di JS Hikmah Niaga mendoakan keselamatan anda dan keluarga. Patuhilah arahan pihak berkuasa untuk memastikan kelancaran & keselamatan semua pihak. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan melindungi kita semua. InsyaAllah.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Khasiat Cuka Kurma Untuk Kesihatan

Health Benefits of Dates Vinegar

Vinegar is probably one of the most versatile items that any household should have. You can use it in your food, use it for its medicinal benefits, as a preserving agent, and with its dissolving power, you can even use it as a cleaning agent. Vinegar has been used in a variety of ways, but the most common use is in our food. Examples of the most common and popular vinegars are balsamic, apple, malt, white distilled rice, rice wine and specialty vinegar.

Specialty Vinegar
Specialty vinegar may be new to certain markets, but has been used for years in its home market. Examples of specialty vinegar are pomegranate & dates vinegar, which are very popular in the Middle East. Other examples are the coconut & cane vinegars, which are common in Indonesia, Philippines and India.
There are many health benefits of eating dates and there are several articles written on this subject, but not many are written on the health benefits of dates vinegar.
Health Benefits of Dates Vinegar
Dates vinegar has been used for years as both food and medicine in the Middle East and amongst the health benefits of dates vinegar are:
  • Weight Loss: Drinking dates vinegar will help suppress your appetite and reduce hunger.
  • Prevent cancer: Regular intake of dates vinegar will help prevent abdominal cancer.
  • Weak heart: Dates vinegar drink is an excellent remedy for weak heart.
  • Eases child birth: If you drink dates vinegar on a regular basis, it can ease the pain of childbirth. They are known to contain hormones, which strengthen the uterus, help produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth. It also help built strength during convalescing.
  • Menstrual disorder: Help with menstrual disorders
  • Strengthen immunity system: The regular cleansing of the system will remove toxins from the body. This will help strengthen the immunity system. It will also help in the gastric inflammation and relief constipation.
  • Being high in iron & potassium, it is good for Anemia
  • Fatigue: High in energy and is therefore good for fatigue.
  • Cough: Help to relief sore throat, persistent cough and removing phlegm.
  • Relieves headaches due to heat
  • Heals burns & skin inflammations when applied.

Using Dates Vinegar
Dates vinegar has a rich fruity flavor and is dark brown in color . It is not as sweet as a good balsamic. It actually tastes more like a mix of malt vinegar and
To enjoy the many health benefits of dates vinegar, you can use it as:
  • A Drink: Take 1-2 tablespoon of dates vinegar, preferably mix with a glass of water, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You may add honey to sweeten the taste.
  • As Salad Dressing: Use it as you would with balsamic vinegar.
  • In your cooking: Replace other vinegar that you would normally use in your cooking, with dates vinegar.
  • In your pickle : Likewise, replace your normal vinegar for your pickle, with dates vinegar.
  • As a dip: Mix dates vinegar to olive oil for your dip.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Khasiat Buah Delima Kepada Lelaki

Pomegranate Juice Benefits for Men
Pomegranate juice may help with erectile dysfunction. American men are at higher risk of heart disease than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death among men -- responsible for about 25 percent of all male deaths. Men are also at risk of certain reproductive problems, such as prostate cancer, which strikes 200,000 American men each year, and erectile dysfunction, a problem for many older men. Research suggests that natural compounds in pomegranate juice may help prevent or improve symptoms of these disorders in men.
Antioxidant CompoundsThe pomegranate is a many-seeded fruit produced by a native Asian tree (Punica granatum). Also called Chinese apple, juice from pomegranates is rich in a group of natural phytochemicals called polyphenols that give it its bright red color. These compounds are potent antioxidants that help your body rid itself of free radicals, the unstable chemicals formed during digestion, in your skin when you're in sunlight or in your organs after exposure to environmental toxins. Over time, free radicals can damage cellular membranes and DNA, raising your risk of cancer, coronary artery disease and other chronic disorders.

Anti-cancer Evidence
Experts at the University of Maryland Medical Center summarized results of laboratory research on pomegranate juice's anti-cancer properties, concluding that it may slow the growth of cultured cancer cells and cause them to die. In addition, the juice may inhibit growth of cancerous tumors in laboratory animals, possibly by cutting off blood supply to tumors. In a clinical trial published in the July 2006 issue of "Clinical Cancer Research," researchers found that male subjects with prostate cancer who drank 8 ounces of pomegranate juice daily had slower increases in a cancer marker, prostate-specific antigen. Their rate of cancer cell growth also declined while cell death increased during the trial. These findings still need confirmation in placebo-controlled studies.
Other Benefits
Consuming pomegranate juice might also help relieve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, according to preliminary results of a study published in the November-December 2007 issue of the "International Journal of Impotence Research." This study found that erectile function tended to improve in men who drank pomegranate juice daily, compared to a placebo group. Although the improvement wasn't significant, the authors concluded that the positive finding warrants further study with a larger group of subjects. According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center website, consuming pomegranate juice might also improve circulatory problems in subjects with high blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol or coronary artery disease, although the center indicates that further study is still needed to confirm these benefits.
Including the Juice in Your Diet
Although no minimum effective dose of pomegranate juice has been established to improve your health, drinking 8 to 12 ounces daily is generally considered safe, but you should opt for 100 percent juice without added sugar. Pomegranate juice might interact with some medications, such as drugs used to treat high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol, and blood-thinning medicines. Talk to your doctor about pomegranate juice to decide if consuming it regularly might be helpful for you.
Artikel dipetik dari :
Last Updated: Apr 05, 2014 | By Joanne Marie

Friday, December 5, 2014

17 Khasiat Delima Untuk Kulit, Rambut Dan Kesihatan

17 Best Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice For Skin, Hair And Health

How many of you love to pick these glorious red fruits, pomegranates known for their amazing medicinal powers?

Pomegranate is a thick skinned super seedy fruit, with a brilliant red hue which is now touted as a wonder fruit by scientific researchers. The name pomegranate derives from the French word “pomegranate” or seeded apple. They are believed to have originated in Iran and brought to Egypt in 1600 BC, where it was not only revered as an important food source but was also widely used for its medicinal value. It was held in high esteem even during those times, as it is evident by their depiction in Egyptian paintings and tombs. Inspired by the abundance of jewel toned seeds within the bright red rind, pomegranate is considered to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity in some cultures.

Drinking pomegranate juice benefits our health and skin in a myriad of ways. It is one of the few fruits whose juice is as beneficial as the fruit itself. This is because the peel contains the maximum amount of antioxidants which are released in abundance when the fruit is squeezed while juicing. It is currently ranked alongside blue berries and green tea for its nutritional benefits.

Some people might find it a bit cumbersome to deal with the little seeds, which is why, extracting its juice is the best way to utilize the benefits of pomegranate juice. Drinking it allows for a quick and easy assimilation of all the nutrients found in the bloodstream by the body. In comparison to other fruits, pomegranates contain the maximum amount of anti-oxidants. It contains approximately 3 times more antioxidants than green tea and oranges.
A single glass of pomegranate juice can provide you with 40 % of the daily requirement of folic acid and vitamins A, C, and E. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, being completely unprocessed, triumphs over packaged juice any day, as it retains the maximum number of vitamins. Make sure that the juice is unsweetened as sugar being inflammatory can counteract some of the health benefits of this fruit.
Nutritional Value of Pomegranate:
Pomegranate is a great source of ellagic acid, and antioxidant and punicic acid, an omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid which is highly beneficial for cell regeneration and proliferation. The juice of this fruit is an exceptional source of vitamin A, C and E and minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, folic acid, niacin, thiamin, folates and riboflavin.
Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:
Pomegranate has been used for medicinal purposes in the middle and Far East regions for over thousands of years. It was used as a tonic to heal ailments like ulcers and diarrhea. The juice of pomegranate contains antioxidants like anthocyanin and ellagic acid, compounds like gallic acids, and flavonoids like quercetin which offer protection from diabetes, heart diseases, osteoarthritis and several kinds of cancer.
1. Heart Benefits: 
Pomegranate juice can have a great impact on health, particularly on the health of the heart, by keeping the arteries flexible and decreasing the inflammation in the lining of the blood vessels. It is known to reduce atherosclerosis, which is one of the leading causes of heart disease. It lowers the risk of blockage in the arteries which can cause a restriction in the flow of blood to the heart and brain. In other words it has an anti-atherogenic effect on the heart. It lowers the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol that is retained in the body and increases the amount of good cholesterol or HDL.
2. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels:
Although pomegranate juice contains fructose, it does not elevate the blood sugar levels as other fruit juices do. Studies have shown that there was no significant increase in the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who drank this juice daily for a period of 2 weeks.
3. Maintains Blood Pressure:
Pomegranates are also known to reduce high blood pressure. The juice reduces lesions and the inflammation of blood vessels in heart patients. It is a natural aspirin, which keeps the blood from coagulating and forming blood clots. It even acts as a blood thinner allowing for an unrestricted flow of blood through the body.
4. Protection From Cancer:
Pomegranate juice eliminates free radicals from the body and inhibits the growth and development of cancer and other diseases. Its high contents of anti- oxidants stimulate the white blood cells to neutralize toxins in the body thereby promoting a strong and healthy immune system. Pomegranate is believed to induce apoptosis, a process where the cells destroy themselves. Daily intake of a glass of pomegranate juice can slow down the growth of cancerous cells in prostate cancer. Moreover it appears to block aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen, a hormone which plays a crucial role in the development of breast cancer.

5. Soothes the Stomach:
Pomegranate juice is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery as it plays a vital role in the secretion of enzymes which aids proper digestion. Mixing 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of pomegranate juice is sure to cure indigestion problems.
6. Boosts Immunity:
Pomegranate juice has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which help fight viruses and bacteria and boost our immunity system. It significantly reduces microbes that are found in the mouth commonly responsible for cavities and staph infections. Its anti-microbial properties make it an inhibitor of HIV transmission. Out of all the fruits, pomegranate has the highest potential to inhibit the transmission of HIV.
7. Prevents Anaemia:
Anaemia is a condition caused by the deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Since pomegranate juice contains ample amount of iron it helps in surmounting the red blood cell deficiency in the body. Mixing some candied sugar in pomegranate juice and introducing a couple of drops in the nostrils is a quick fix to control nose bleeds. It is an excellent remedy for red or sore eyes and falling eye lashes.
8. Improves Digestion:
Pomegranate juice aids in the smooth functioning of the stomach, heart and liver. This juice induces hunger and can even control thirst. Therefore it is a great choice of drink during summers. It also soothes urinary tract infection and eases the flow of urine. The high amount of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble in pomegranate juice helps to improve digestion and regulate bowel movement. Since it has no saturated fats or cholesterol, it is highly recommended for those aiming to lose weight.
9. Helps in Cartilage Regeneration:
Pomegranate juice acts as an inhibiter on enzymes that are responsible for damaging the cartilage. It is therefore highly recommended for patients suffering from osteoarthritis, a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. Studies conducted have proved the application of this juice to reduce deterioration of the cartilage. Unsweetened pomegranate juice relieves symptoms of arthritis and bone inflammation. A regular intake of this juice may curb the onset of neurological problems like Alzheimer disease. It is also known to dissolve kidney stones and cures erectile dysfunction in men.
10. Good for Prenatal Care:
Pomegranate juice is extremely beneficial for pregnant women. It is a great source of a number of vitamins and minerals including folic acid which is a crucial element of a pre natal diet. The anti-inflammatory property of pomegranate juice ensures a healthy blood flow, which is essential for the overall development of the foetus. The potassium content in this juice can also help prevent leg cramps that are generally associated with pregnancy. When consumed regularly by expectant mothers, it is known to lower the risk of premature child birth or birth of babies with low birth weight.
Skin Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:
Pomegranate juice, can be a secret potion to get a healthy, vibrant and youthful skin.
11. Anti-Aging Benefits:
A diet high in pomegranate juice can help to slow down the process of ageing by reducing wrinkles and fine lines caused by constant exposure to sun. It also helps to sustain the regeneration of the skin cells and prevents hyper pigmentation and occurrence of dark spots.
12. Suited for All Skin Types:
Pomegranate juice works wonders for dry skin. Its small molecular structure penetrates deeply into the skin to provide ample moisturisation and hydration to the skin. Thus it soothes dry and irritated skin. Its content of punicic acid, an omega 3 fatty acid keeps the skin constantly hydrated by sealing in the moisture. Pomegranate juice is beneficial for oily and pimple prone skin too. Application of pomegranate juice on oily skin prevents the outbreak of pimples and controls the production of sebum.
13. Helps to Heal Scars:
Pomegranate helps in the regeneration of cells in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. It has an ability to hasten the process of healing of wounds. Even the oil of pomegranate seeds is loaded with skin friendly nutrients which are beneficial for the strengthening and regeneration of the epidermis. It also protects the skin from sun burns and heals the damage caused to the skin due to constant exposure to the sun.
14. Improves the Texture of Skin:
Pomegranates are also known to extend the life of fibroblasts which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin that tighten the skin and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin provide strength and support to the skin. When the fibers of collagen and elastin break down, the skin develops laxity which causes wrinkles and jowls. Pomegranate is also very useful for lightening the skin tone. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily gives a fair and glowing skin tone.
15. Pomegranate Face Mask for Glowing Skin:
Mix 1 teaspoon each of powdered green papaya, grape seed oil, and grape seed extract with 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice and apply it on the face. Leave it on for about an hour and wash it off with lukewarm water.
You can also use a cotton ball to apply pomegranate juice directly on the face after cleansing.
16. Prevents Skin Cancer:
Pomegranate contains anthocyanins and hydrolysable tannins which possess strong anti-oxidant and anti-tumor promoting properties. When applied directly on the skin, ellagic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant found in pomegranates inhibits the growth of cancer of the skin.
Hair Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:
17. Prevents Hair Fall:
Drinking pomegranate juice regularly strengthens the hair follicles which in turn prevent hair fall, thus giving the hair a healthy and lustrous appearance.

Some Precautions To Be Exercised:
  • Pomegranate juice is not recommended for people suffering from influenza, cough, and constipation or for those with a phlegmatic condition.
  • Pomegranate juice has certain antioxidants that lower the blood pressure. Therefore, consumption of this juice in combination with medication prescribed to lower blood pressure can result in a condition with dangerously low blood pressure, known as hypotension.
  • People with certain plant allergies and asthma are always at a greater risk of developing an allergic reaction to this fruit. General allergic reactions include, vomiting, red itchy eyes, hives and difficulty in breathing.
  • Just like grapefruits, pomegranate is also known to interfere with some medicines, particularly those to lower cholesterol levels known as statins. It can also interfere with antidepressants, medication for AIDS and narcotic pain relievers.
Drinking one glass of pomegranate juice is all that is needed to experience the advantages of pomegranate juice. It is never too late to add this miracle juice to your daily diet plan as the amount of benefits that you would reap definitely outweighs the drawbacks. 

Dipetik daripada
Arshi Ahmed on November 5, 2014